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[Video] Did Strip-Till Solve My Nutrient Stratification Problems?

Over the last 5 years, independent on-farm researcher Marion Calmer has been examining fertility levels vertically in the soil profile on his Alpha, Ill., farm. This inch-by-inch examination uncovered a serious nutrient stratification problem on his farm that was costing him up to $135,000 annually. The No-Till Legend switched back to strip-till in 2023 for the first time since 1995 in an effort to solve his nutrient stratification problems.

In this eye-opening session that puts no filter on the findings of his unbiased, independent research, Calmer returns with a new perspective on phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) application, and shares the latest data on the impact strip-till is having on his stratified soils. Plus, Univ. of Illinois strip-till research specialist Jared Fender joins Calmer to help sort out his struggles with synchronizing strip location to crop rotation. Calmer is a 4-time recipient of Lessiter Media’s Best Presentation Award.

You’ll Learn: Why vertical stratification is more devastating than horizontal variability, the economic and environmental impacts of surface-applied P and K, and how yields in various tillage systems are impacted by nutrient placement.

     The 2024 National Strip-Tillage Conference Video Replays are brought to you by
ForGround by Bayer.    


ForGround by Bayer is a farmer-first digital platform that supports growers in improving soil health and resilience through practices such as strip-till, no-till and cover crops. ForGround provides farmers exclusive access to tools, resources and discounts as well as the potential to earn revenue through carbon programs for the adoption of regenerative practices.

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