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[Video] Digging Deeper into Compaction Causes, Contributors & Solutions

Every equipment pass risks soil compaction, a problem that affects root and crop growth, water infiltration, crop fertility access and your bottom line. But many management practices exist to help fix compaction and avoid it in the future.

Understanding Ag consultant Brian Dougherty, who grew up on a dairy farm in Waukon, Iowa, gets to the root of compaction during this classroom. He examines what causes compaction, how to assess and reme- diate compacted fields and prevent compaction from stealing your strip-till profits.

You’ll Learn: How to solve compaction issues in your strip-tilled fields, the role that well-aggregated soil plays in improving trafficability and tips for managing wheel traffic to minimize the effects of compaction on yields.

     The 2024 National Strip-Tillage Conference Video Replays are brought to you by
ForGround by Bayer.    


ForGround by Bayer is a farmer-first digital platform that supports growers in improving soil health and resilience through practices such as strip-till, no-till and cover crops. ForGround provides farmers exclusive access to tools, resources and discounts as well as the potential to earn revenue through carbon programs for the adoption of regenerative practices.

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LaForge Systems

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