Our 4-page “20 Tips For Starting Out in Strip-Till” eGuide shares field-tested ideas on how you can successfully begin strip-tilling, and it’s FREE!
Dear Strip-Tiller,
Strip-till success is all about the finite details in your system and the overarching concepts including knowledge of your soils, effectively timing field operations and developing operational goals. Understanding specific and expansive ideas are essential to a productive strip-till system.
As a new strip-tiller, you may have a lot of questions about when and how to get started with strip-tilling. Patience and persistence are keys for the first-time strip-tiller to unlock long-term results, while the experienced strip-tiller will look for pointers to improve and evolve their system.
To help you improve efficiency and outcome with strip-till practices, we’ve compiled a detailed eGuide of proven strategies into a special eGuide download – and we’ve made it absolutely FREE to get it into the hands of as many strip-tillers as possible and put them on a pathway to productivity — no matter what level of experience they may be at.
Reliable strategies from an authoritative expert compiled by the most trusted name in strip-till farming.
This in-depth eGuide includes practical advice on application and management of your strip-till system and factors you need to consider — all contained in one reader-friendly eGuide. It reveals tips on fertilizer and water management techniques as well as technology tips and dealership support. It’s an eGuide you will turn to again and again as you evolve and expand your strip-till system.
20 Tips For Starting Out in Strip-Till is a comprehensive, actionable reference to help you successfully strip-till your land. In fact, this 4-page eGuide is designed to help you pay greater attention to…
- Configuring your strip-till rig and row units to maximize in-field performance and productivity
- Considering fertilizing options and timing to include fall, spring, at-plant and sidedress for plant emergence and growth consistency
- Improving soil health and structure by disturbing only a small strip of soil
- Implementing precision technology like GPS, auto-steer and RTK level correction
- Managing residue above the soil surface to improve subsoil structure
Proper knowledge of techniques for nutrient management and crop production is essential to the success of your strip-till system. Knowing how to take advantage of the most valuable and efficient methods to create a sustainable growing environment with strip-till can boost your profitability.
An informed decision is a profitable one and rewarded by increased productivity and efficiency. Consider this:
- Residue is the lifeline of your soil and can improve its structure. Consider keeping 75% of residue on the surface with strip-till.
- Studies show water infiltration increases by 2-2½ inches per hour with strip-till vs. conventional tillage.
We know time is money. But if you did nothing more than read the 20 tips for strip-till farming in this FREE eGuide, you’d still be significantly ahead.
Strip-Till Farmer is dedicated entirely to helping farmers understand the tools, trends and technology needed to build and maintain a profitable strip-till system. Our editors make it their job to know the score and to help progressive farmers improve their operations. Did you know…
7 Nutrient Management Strip-Till Tips
Would you be surprised to know that many strip-tillers don’t see noticeable improvements in soil health until almost 4 years after switching from conventional to strip-tillage practices? Here’s a sampling of 7 things that new and experienced strip-tillers need to consider when applying fertilizer.
- When strip-tilling in the fall, consider a second pass in the spring to freshen strips ahead of or with a fertilizer application
- Utilize a coulter setup for spring, rather than shanks, to avoid sidewall smearing in wet field conditions.
- Keep nitrogen rates consistent when banding, rather than cutting rates too soon to avoid over-application
- Consider a starter or pop-up fertilizer application with your planter — even 5 gallons per acre of liquid N can jump start emergence
- With high pH levels, banding 50% of your phosphorus and potassium will better preserve nutrients vs. a broadcast application
- Know where your banded applications are located in the field to avoid skewing soil sampling tests
- Shift rows by 15 inches each year in 30-inch systems to allow corn plants better access to nutrients
To understand these tips and how to apply them on your operation, read our FREE eGuide, 20 Tips And Considerations For Building A Strip-Till System.
Advice from an Strip-Till Academic Authority!
This eGuide includes expert advice from University of Minnesota Extension educator Jodi DeJong-Hughes. She has been the regional extension educator in crops and soil for almost 20 years, working with strip-tillers in a variety of states and various field conditions. Her experience and expertise makes this eGuide handy for your on-farm decision-making.
That’s the kind of actionable information you get throughout this FREE eGuide — with breakdowns of the most lucrative opportunities for your strip-till operation.
But you also get more than just tips and bullet points; you’ll gain insight into farmers’ thought processes. You’ll get insight into these essential areas:
- Why a successful strip-till system starts with the combine
- Selecting the right dealer and manufacturer support system when making strip-till equipment purchases
- Choosing the right aggressiveness of your row units to match field conditions
- Managing residue to maximize soil health potential
- Why warming up your strips in the spring can create an ideal seedbed in cooler, damp climates
For every strip-till suggestions you execute on your operation, you’ll dramatically improve your strip-till system’s effectiveness.
Read this free eGuide right now to learn how to make this important topic a #1 directive for your farm this year.
Take your strip-till system to the next level of productivity
In addition to the wealth of first-hand experience this in-depth eGuide delivers, it also provides actionable takeaways that you can use today:
- Consider a strip-till rig equipped with both coulters and shank setups for flexibility to spring or fall strip-till.
- Sub-inch level guidance with RTK can better target fertilizer application in strip and add bushels per acre to your harvest.
- Have experienced operators strip-till to keep rows straight and maintain consistency with germination.
These are just some of the essential takeaways you’ll find by downloading this free eGuide and reviewing it with your cup of morning coffee.
Here’s a few more...
- Don’t be discouraged by early challenges or skeptical neighbors who suggest fields should be “all black.”
- Decide whether to chop or spread corn stalks, dependent on crop rotation.
- Seek advice and insight from experienced, local strip-tillers or utilize national resources.
- Expect a learning curve and have patience.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Put some of the findings in this eGuide on your radar, and you will begin strip-tilling, energized with the possibilities for success.
By now I’m sure you see the value of this carefully prepared eGuide and what this knowledge can do for your cropping operation. No one who wants to be a strip-till trendsetter should overlook it! And because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly a person who values bolstering, broadening and benefitting from strip-till.
That means you’re exactly the kind of person we hope to reach with 20 Tips For Starting Out in Strip-Till. The kind of informed farmer who plans on enhancing and improving conservation efforts for years to come.
Regardless of whether you’re brand new to strip-till or have already invested 20 years in the practice, what better way to continue evolving with this comprehensive, authoritative — FREE — eGuide.
Do you want to begin strip-tilling with confidence in your nutrient management strategies?
Are you prepared to use precision technology for accuracy in building your strips?
Do you know how to choose the right strip-till rig for your field conditions?
Then download this free eGuide right now, and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum in moving toward greater productivity.
Yours for better strip-tilling,
Michaela Paukner, Strip-Till Farmer
PS: How much residue should remain on your soil? Find out by downloading 20 Tips For Starting Out in Strip-Till.
PSS: Are you using the right type and amount of fertilizers to maximize yield potential? Start on the path toward more productivity by reading this FREE eGuide now.
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