Strip-Till Farming 101, Cover Crops, Soil Health
Turning Poor Soils Productive with Strip-Till, Cover Crops & Cows

Turning Poor Soils Productive with Strip-Till, Cover Crops & Cows

When Jon Stevens started transitioning from conventional tillage to no-till soybeans in 2013 and eventually strip-till corn in 2015, failure was imminent if you asked his Rock Creek, Minn., neighbors.

Strip-Till News

  • Be Aware of Fall Armyworm During Late-Season Scouting

    Sporadic reports of fall armyworm have emerged in parts of the Corn Belt. While they don’t strike every year, fall armyworms can devastate forages and crops, making late-season scouting crucial.
  • [Video] First Look at New Features on Kuhn Krause Gladiator

    The Kuhn Krause Gladiator has been the most frequently used strip-till rig for several years now according to the Strip-Till Farmer Benchmark Study. Curt Davis, director of marketing and product management for Kuhn North America, checks in with some new features on the Gladiator’s ST-PRO II row unit.
  • How Strip-Till Helps Alberta Farmer Reduce Erosion

    John Kolk hasn’t ironed out all the wrinkles involved in getting a crop seeded and growing while reducing or eliminating the risk of soil erosion, but the southern Alberta farmer has made “significant progress.”

  • Strip-Till Highlights: September 10, 2024

    Strip-Till Farmer editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at the grower's realm from the lofty digital realm. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web.
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  • The Strip-Till Farmer Weekly Digest is delivered every Sunday from our editors to provide you with important industry news and popular strip-till content from the past week.

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Strip-Till Farming 101

Feeling overwhelmed?

Start with these information-packed articles hand-picked by our editors:

Banding vs. Broadcast: Nutrient Placement Benefits, Techniques & Management
Veteran strip-tillers share proven payback and lessons learned with targeted, timed nutrient applications.

15 Time, Money & Stress-Saving Strip-Till Planting Tips
Creating the ideal seedbed requires diligent residue management, the right precision tools and a willingness to get your hands dirty.

21 Strip-Till Fertility Tips for Feeding Plants the Right Diet
Split nitrogen applications, determining the proper placement depth and doing below-ground root assessments are all part of a well-rounded fertility program.


NSTC 2024


The National Strip-Tillage Conference returns August 8-9, 2024! Build and refine your strip-till system with dozens of new ideas and connections at the 11th Annual National Strip-Tillage Conference in Madison, Wis. Experience an energizing 2-day agenda featuring inspiring general session speakers, expert-led Strip-Till Classrooms and collaborative Roundtables. Plus, Certified Crop Adviser credits will be offered.

Learn more


Strip-Till Columns

  • Wallem-Feature.jpg

    Dealership Minds Summit Knowledge Benefits Farmers, Too

    I spent a day and a half at the Dealership Minds Summit in Madison, Wisconsin in early August. It's an annual program for dealerships -- that I believe will benefit all farmers, too.

  • Mike-Lessiter-0723.jpg

    Observations on Dad’s Calling

    It’s a pleasure to introduce you to my dad, Frank Lessiter, and what I would call the 5th child in our family, his No-Till Farmer (NTF) publication. I was 3 years old when Dad put out the first edition, and I can’t recall a time when NTF wasn’t a part of the family.
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    No-Till’s Johnny Appleseed

    When it comes to no-till, there is no bigger name than Frank Lessiter.

  • John Deere Operations Center_GrowerinField.jpeg

    Ensure Your Strip-Till Vision is 20/20 with Precision Technology

    We are experiencing a technological renaissance that would have seemed like science fiction just 30 years ago when it comes to data in the field. However, as these impressive field mapping may have one potential setback: How do they translate technology mapping back into actionable input and decision-making?

Strip-Till Farmer Podcast

[Podcast] Strip-Tiller Makes Strips & Plants Soybeans with Rig at Same Time

On this episode of the Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by DigiFarm, John Hanson switched to strip-till a few years ago to save money on fuel and labor costs and increase the moisture-holding capacity of the soils on his 1,600-acre farm in north central Iowa.

Yetter Farm Equipment

The Strip-Till Farmer podcast is brought to you by DigiFarm.

DigiFarm VBN is an RTK corrections provider utilizing our privately owned network across much of the US. We work with all brands of GPS receivers and have numerous ways in how we can deliver our RTK corrections. DigiFarm has our in house designed modem elevate and our popular Bluetooth device called the Beacon used in conjunction with our DigiFarm VBN app. We also can use other OEM installed modem devices along with displays that have NTRIP capabilities. 

DigiFarm VBN provides industry leading technologies, support, and resources to the dealer as well as end user. DigiFarm VBN uses its own base stations to create a virtual base giving the end user greater accuracy and reliability at industry leading pricing. 

DigiFarm VBN is used in the AG industry by growers, producers, ag retailers, agronomist, and provides dealership opportunities to precision ag dealers. DigiFarm continues to grow not only by our ever-expanding network but also by growth in autonomy , robotic and drone technologies as they become more common place in our industry.

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Want to list a job posting? Learn more here and contact Logan Fitch today.

Product Roundups

Top Store Items
Cover Crop Strategies Volume 1

Cover Crop Strategies Volume 1

The editors of Cover Crop Strategies and No-Till Farmer created this 24-page special report to share ideas on getting covers established, using a roller-crimper for termination, successfully integrating livestock into a cover-crop system and using covers to transition away from an overdependence on herbicides and fertilizers.

Cover Crop Strategies Volume 4

Cover Crop Strategies Volume 4

With this 16-page, newly-released edition of Cover Crop Strategies, you’ll discover how many graziers realize profitable returns from using cover as high- quality forage. Read how cover crop rotation paired with a grazing system completes a no-tiller’s holy grail of soil health. You’ll also hear from the late cover crop expert Dave Brandt as he discusses his best practices for getting the most out of cover crops.

Built to Last: No-Till's Trials & Triumphs... 60 Years Later

Built to Last: No-Till's Trials & Triumphs... 60 Years Later

This 44-page Special Commemorative Edition is meant to honor the shoulders of those on which no-tillers stand on today, and to also remind the next generation that true, revolutionary breakthroughs in farming are still possible. More than 110 million acres proves it. Based on detailed research, historical discoveries and many conversations with farmers who proudly shared their personal no-till memories, this fascinating report dives into all aspects within the rich history of no-till farming.

Going After Bigger Profits with Organic No-Till

Going After Bigger Profits with Organic No-Till

This 32-page report shares data trends that lay out growth in the U.S. organic market, and practical insights and tips from three no-tillers and strip-tillers who made the transition from conventional farming to organic and how they tackled challenges like weed control without herbicides. This report also provides leads on where to find potential funding and technical assistance for converting farm acres to organic methods.
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