[Video] Strip-Till Toolbar Setup: What, Why and How

Steve Tesarik has built strip-till rigs for a number of configurations, including 15-, 20-, and 30-inch rows as well as twin-row fields. The veteran strip-tiller who farms corn for silage, soybeans and wheat in Whitelaw, Wis., takes pride in making modifications with a purpose and understanding not just the how and what of strip-till toolbar setup, but also the why.

Steve will share the successes, challenges and even failures they’ve encountered with different toolbars, row-units setups and fertilizer placement systems. He'll also offer tips on troubleshooting potential problems, how to make adjustments to achieve agronomic goals or work with other equipment and ways to keep expenses down.

The 2022 Strip-Tillage Conference Video Replay is brought to you by Laforge Systems.

Laforge Systems, LLC is celebrating their 30th anniversary this year as the only North American company devoted 100% to supporting dealers and customers with hitch technology for tractors.

Competitors come and go, but Laforge is still here. Laforge is committed to helping today's farmer, and other operators of agricultural tractors, to maximize productivity and save money.

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