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[Video] 600 Bushels & Beyond: Checking the Boxes for Strip-Till Success

David Hula takes the National Strip-Tillage Conference stage fresh off his fifth world-record breaking corn yield of 623 bushels per acre. The Charles City, Va., strip-tiller credits his record yield to a systems approach that involves everything from hybrid selection and planter setup to nutrient management and weekly tissue testing.

During this insightful keynote presentation, Hula takes us inside his operation, shares key takeaways from his biggest yield yet and discusses his philosophy for strip-till success. Don’t miss your chance to hear from the highest-yielding strip-tiller of all time!

You’ll Learn: What to check before, during and after the growing season; in-season adjustments to maximize yield; keys to hybrid selection, nutrient placement, equipment setup and more!

     The 2024 National Strip-Tillage Conference Video Replays are brought to you by
ForGround by Bayer.    


ForGround by Bayer is a farmer-first digital platform that supports growers in improving soil health and resilience through practices such as strip-till, no-till and cover crops. ForGround provides farmers exclusive access to tools, resources and discounts as well as the potential to earn revenue through carbon programs for the adoption of regenerative practices.

Learn more at BayerForGround.com/Farmers.

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