When Strip-Till Strategies debuted 3 years ago, the first story focused on how strip-tillers should soil-sample fields.
Many issues in the world have been settled in the past 3 years, but soil sampling remains an important topic, and one with many different recommendations. And it’s an agronomic practice that Iowa strip-tiller Murray McKee would like input on.
“In the past, I’ve been broadcasting P and K and sampling randomly, in relation to the row, about 6 to 8 inches deep,” says McKee, who farms in central Iowa. “When you strip-till, and inject fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 6 to 10 inches deep, do you sample in the row, at the edge of the strip, or in the middle between the strips?
“And do I need to sample deeper to account for the deep placement of the fertilizer? If so, how deep?”
In a related vein, strip-tiller Ryan Damery of Damery Family Farms in Blue Mound, Ill., wants help determining anhydrous rates.
“We have been strip-tilling into the anhydrous rows, but this year I’m going to also sidedress some,” Damery says. “I apply 160 pounds of anhydrous, 36 pounds of nitrogen with DAP, and plan to use 10 gallons per acre of 28% in the spring.
“Is 1.2 pounds of nitgrogen per bushel still a good number to use? The soybean yields ranged from 40 to 65 bushels per acre in 2012.”
Does anyone have any advice on these issues to share? Send me your strip-till specific advice and recommendations on soil sampling, and anhydrous rates for corn following soybeans, at danielpzinkand@gmail.com and we’ll share the information in the next issues of Strip-Till Strategies. You can also call me at (503) 507-4423.