If you could start over again, or upgrade your equipment, what kind of design and technology would you want in a strip-till rig?

One fellow strip-tiller is wrestling with this choice. This issue of Strip-Till Strategies includes an inquiry from a Kansas farmer who is considering different strip-till rig options and we'd like your input.

After you read about his current machine and his crops, rotation, precipitation and other details, please share your input on what the best choices may be.

Some of the factors in choosing the best equipment may be objective, such as the pros and cons of different fertilizer placement methods (coulters, shanks or mole knives). And, of course, some aspects of the decision may be subjective and a matter of personal preference.

Share your recommendations about strip-till rig choices that may fit this Kansas strip-tiller — along with other strip-till comments, suggestions and photos — so we can include them in future issues of Strip-Till Strategies.