Strip-Till Farmer editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at the grower's world from the lofty digital realm. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by NACHURS.


NACHURS®️ is a liquid fertilizer brand that has revolutionized farming practices since 1946. NACHURS offers high quality precision-placed, seed-safe liquid starters and the latest technologies to maximize crop potential. The NACHURS sales and agronomy team are professionally trained to assist our dealer network with product positioning, agronomic advice and fertility recommendations.

Longtime Cover Cropper Shows off New Interseeder

Tom Hess of Vassar, Mich., highlights the key features of his new Hiniker interseeder. He uses it to interseed cover crops into corn around V3-V5. Hess also shares the keys to success when it comes to interseeding in the latest episode of Conservation Ag Update.

Spring Strip-Till Season Begins!

Let’s head out to Maple Grove Farms in Rock Creek, Minn., to check in with Jon Stevens for the beginning of spring strip-till season! Ride along with Stevens in the cab as he runs his strip-till rig. You can also catch Stevens’ “Integrating Cattle & Crop Rotations with Strip-Till” presentation at the National Strip-Tillage Conference Aug. 2-4, in Bloomington, Ill.

Answering the Most Common Cover Crop Questions

Commonly asked cover crop questions include “Can I cut N rates if I plant a cover crop?,” “Will planting green hurt my cash crop?” and “How do I best fit cover crops into my cropping system?” In this video, Anna Cates, soil health specialist, and Monica Schauer, research specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison tackle these key FAQs around cover crops and more.

First Look at Fast Ag & Yetter’s New Strip-Till Toolbar

Fast Ag Solutions shows off the new Fast DuraPlacer with Yetter Strip Freshener CC’s. The Minnesota based company partnered with Yetter to create the new strip-till unit, which can be used to make new strips or freshen fall made strips.

How to Build a Strip-Till Rig From an Old Cultivator

Optimus Prime has nothing on this! No-tiller and strip-tiller Jeff Gaska of Columbus, Wis., shares how he transformed a 12-row John Deere cultivator bar into a custom strip-till rig, plus made it adjustable so it can double as a sidedress machine.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by NACHURS.

NACHURS®️ is a liquid fertilizer brand that has revolutionized farming practices since 1946. NACHURS offers high quality precision-placed, seed-safe liquid starters and the latest technologies to maximize crop potential. The NACHURS sales and agronomy team are professionally trained to assist our dealer network with product positioning, agronomic advice and fertility recommendations.


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