I’m always on the prowl for a good networking opportunity, whether it’s hitting the road to visit strip-tillers or simply crossing paths in cyberspace.

These connections always breed new ideas, and I’ve yet to walk away from a conversation without having learned something new. In talking with strip-tillers, none have said they’re completely satisfied with their system.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t unhappy with it. In fact, many farmers tell me they’re encouraged by the results of their equipment setups and fertility programs. But they’re also seeking knowledge and practices that can help them strip-till more efficiently and profitably.

Having recently joined a Facebook group made up of primarily strip-tillers, it’s been interesting to see the variety of ideas shared and questions asked by the members. This is, by all accounts, a dedicated and progressive group of farmers willing to take chances — calculated ones.

Everyone in the group wants to see the others succeed. This involves a willingness to share everything, from tips for a new strip-tiller — like the cost effectiveness of renting the first toolbar vs. buying — to discussing advanced topics like the benefits of using active planter downforce control on a mounted planter. If you didn’t know, too much downforce will ruin the row unit.

Here at Strip-Till Strategies we’re continuing to plan the agenda for the inaugural National Strip-Tillage Conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on July 30-31. We’d like you to share with us what topics you’d like to see covered at this event.

Consider this a fertile field, ready to be planted with strip-till topics that will yield valuable knowledge. We invite your input and insight to help us make this a stimulating and useful event that provides tips and practices you can put to work on your farm.

As I’ve been told numerous times, strip-till isn’t an overnight success. But those who have adopted the practice endured the early failures and now enjoy the prolonged successes.

Call me at (262) 782-4480, ext. 441, or send me an e-mail at jzemlicka@lesspub.com with your ideas and expectations for the NSTC, and we’ll see you in Cedar Rapids!