Items Tagged with 'nstc'


2018 National Strip-Tillage Conference Speaker

Are You Getting to the Root of Your Strip-Tilled Soil Health?

Agronomic consultant and expert soil scientist Mike Petersen to present on the importance of embracing a systematic approach to strip-till at the 2018 National Strip-Tillage Conference.
Strip-till is far and beyond simply the tools used to create an ideal seedbed within several inches of tilled soil. In fact, most of the answers to questions farmers might have about their strip-tilling efforts, lie right beneath the surface in the crop's root structure, according to expert soil scientist Mike Petersen.
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2018 National Strip-Tillage Conference Speaker

Cover Crops & Strip-Till: A Profitable Partnership

Experienced Iowa strip-tiller Jack Boyer to discuss how cover cropping diversity, combined with a comprehensive strip-till system can capture nitrogen and stabilize yields at the 2018 National Strip-Tillage Conference.
Experienced Iowa strip-tiller Jack Boyer to discuss how cover cropping diversity, combined with a comprehensive strip-till system can capture nitrogen and stabilize yields at the 2018 National Strip-Tillage Conference.
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2017 National Strip-Tillage Conference

How Healthy is My Strip-Tilled Soil?

It’s been said, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” For strip-tillers, getting an accurate read on soil health is key to prescribing the right remedy for nutrient-deficient areas. Dr. Kristen Veum, research soil scientist with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in Columbia, Mo., has studied assessment of soil quality in agro-ecosystems, development and refinement of soil quality indicators and application of sensor technology for soil quality assessment.
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2017 National Strip-Tillage Conference

Understanding Soil Health and Dual Purpose Cover Crops

Soil health is rooted in a comprehensive farm management strategy. Knowing how to utilize natural soil heal stimulants to maximize crop production is an objective of Aaron Hird, Nebraska's NRCS state soil health specialist. Hird shares soil health principals promoted by the NRCS including the use of dual purpose cover crops for grazing as well as other opportunities to enhance a strip-till system.
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2017 National Strip-Tillage Conference

Bankable Benefits of Progressive Precision Farming Practices in Strip-Till

For more than a decade, Dresden, Ontario, farmer Mark Richards has adopted and adapted precision farming strategies, including implement guidance, interseeding technology and data analysis on his 3,000-acre corn, soybeans, sugarbeet and wheat operation. The combination of fewer and more efficient passes through the field, precision technology and reduced tillage has contributed to a 15% reduction in fuel costs and healthier crops.
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2017 National Strip-Tillage Conference

Realizing the ROI of Cover Crops as a Soil Health Stimulant

Ongoing studies by the USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, including its annual national cover crop survey, are breaking down the benefits and best practices for cover crop usage in conservation tillage systems. Dr. Rob Myers is Regional Director of Extension Programs North Central SARE program, and oversees several projects related to cover crops and soil health both regionally and nationally.
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2017 National Strip-Tillage Conference

Pass or Fail? Putting Your Strip-Tilled Soils to the Test

Most strip-tillers understand the importance of soil testing, as they typically serve as the baseline for fertilizer purchases and application. But if someone were to hand you a soil test report, would you be able to read the information and understand what it means? Knowing what to look for, how to interpret the data and then apply it to make informed nutrient management decisions is essential at a time when soil and fertilizer runoff are growing public concerns.
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2017 National Strip-Tillage Conference

Busting Myths & Solving Mysteries to Build a Better Strip-Till Berm

Patience is a virtue and especially true for taking advantage of the optimal window to building an ideal strip-tilled seedbed. There are numerous ways to set up a strip-till rig and survive with an adequate berm, but truly succeeding requires ambition and adaptation to accommodate ever-changing soil conditions.
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2017 National Strip-Tillage Conference

Banding vs Broadcast Putting Phosphorus in Its Place to Maximize Plant Uptake

How does placement of phosphorus (P) in strip-till compare to other tillage systems and application practices? David Mengel, who currently operates a farm in Randolph, Kan., shares and analyzes results of recent research on P application to corn and soybeans in different tillage systems and offers agronomic considerations for how strip-tillers can be more efficient with P applications.
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