In case you missed them, here are the items that have garnered the most interest from other farmers in the month of October:

  1. Banding vs. Broadcast: Breaking Down Benefits, Techniques and Management
  2. 4 Considerations for Strip-Till Residue Management
  3. [Podcast] A Sensible Approach to Cover Cropping in Strip-Till
  4. Strip-Till Boosts Corn Yields, Stymies Slugs at the Same Time
  5. Fertilizing Experiments Yield Strip-Till Savings and Profit
  6. [Podcast] A Dollars and Sense Approach to Analyzing Strip-Till Value
  7. Cover Cropping in Strip-Till Continues to Grow
  8. Using Cover Crops with Fall Manure Applications
  9. More Work Still Needs to be Done on Selling Landowners on the Many Benefits to be Gained by Having Their Ground Cover Cropped, No-Tilled or Strip-Tilled
  10. Bust that Myth: Strip-Till Practices

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