Articles by Jack Zemlicka

Jack Zemlicka

Are You Insuring Your Soil Health?

Field days are often ideal environments for some provocative, even controversial discussions. Attending an educational event hosted at Beaver Dam, Wis., strip-tiller Charlie Hammer and Nancy Kavazanjian’s farm this summer, the focus of the day was on cover cropping and climate change.
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5th Annual Strip-Till Operational Practices Benchmark Study

Shifts in Row Unit Size, Setup & Timing of Strip-Building

Greater percentage of strip-tillers ran 8-row units, preferred shank-style setups while far fewer spring strip-tilled in 2017.
Flexibility is a luxury strip-tillers often speak of with their system. The ability to adapt row-unit setups to suit field conditions, and even shift the timing of strip-building to accommodate for Mother Nature’s unpredictability, can pay big dividends for strip-tillers.
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corn yields
5th Annual Strip-Till Operational Practices Benchmark Study

Corn Yields, Average Strip-Tilled Acres Continue to Climb

Farmers strip-tilled 70% of total acreage, while corn yields eclipsed 200-bushels per-acre, soybeans stayed consistent.
While strip-till tends to be practiced in pockets of North America, there is a sense that interest and adoption is on the rise. Talking with strip-till researchers and academics during the last year, the consensus is that strip-till is on the upswing.
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5th Annual Strip-Till Operational Practices Benchmark Study

Experience, Age & Location of Strip-Tillers Evolving

Geographic and demographic trends underscore transition, expansion of strip-till methods.
Strip-till is often equated to a puzzle, with farmers having to assemble aspects of equipment, fertilizer application, technology, seed selection and soil health together. When one piece is missing, others don’t often fit.
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Talking Transition & Strategic Experimentation in Strip-Till

A diverse group of experienced strip-tillers sit down to discuss their evolution in equipment, fertility and cover cropping practices.

Strip-tillers Tom Cotter from Austin, Minn.; Brian Newcombe from Port Williams, Nova Scotia; Dean Sponheim from Nora Springs, Iowa; and Floyd Koerner III from Laingsburg, Mich.; talk candidly about the origins of their systems and some of the transformational lessons they’ve learned along the way

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Beyond the Berm

How Far are You Stretching Your Strip-Till Investment?

Talking with strip-tillers during the early part of 2018, many were making equipment modifications in preparation for the coming cropping season. While planter preparations were top of mind, farmers were also evaluating when, how and where to expand their strip-till operations.
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